5 Norwich Rd, Attleborough NR17 2LA
01953 457775

About Us

The brewery was established in 1997 in Cambridge.It was the first independent brewery to open in Cambridge after an absence of 25 years. It specialises in brewing and selling premium bottled and draught beers.The brewery soon had success with the first beer brewed, Hobson’s Choice, winning the 1997 Cambridge Beer festival.Inspiration is taken from the beautiful City of Cambridge to name the products.

In 2011, the business half moved it brewing fully to Wolf Brewery with the intention of maintaining and expanding the brand reputation for premium bottled and draught beers.

Award Winning Beer

Boathouse Bitter – Since the first Boat Race in 1829, the image of rowers has become synonymous with Cambridge. Boathouse is the home of these rowers and is the traditional first resting place for refreshment and to recuperate after such exertion.

Our Amazing Beers


  • 3.7% ABV

A light copper coloured session bitter with a full bodied brew.

Hobson’s Choice

  • 4.2% ABV

A light golden ale with a refreshing flowery nose and slightly citrus after taste.

Atom Splitter

  • 4.5% ABV

An amber coloured beer bursting with hoppiness and character

Parkers Piece

  • 5.0% ABV

A dark, rich, ruby coloured fruity flavoured bitter with a flavourful aftertaste.

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